Monday, April 12, 2021

The GOP’s SOBs

Imagine that! With Trump the GOP is not amused
For throwing out the ‘unity’ speech they and he perused
And speaking as he always does crudely and brutally
Against all who don’t worship him ad infiniatedly.

The bottom line to Trump is loyalty to him en masse
Or else in off-script speeches he bites his foes in the ass
McConnell took the latest brunt of ass-biting attack
And now from GOP division there’s no turning back.

Republicans have split into two widely separate camps
One trying to regain its past and one where crazy ramps
Up into feeding frenzies against those Trump cultists see
As disrespectful to dear leader to the Nth degree.

To force gaping divisions wider Trump in speeches gloats
About winning an election lost by millions of votes
And those who do not totally accept his fantasy
He brutally calls “dumb SOBs” very publicly.

Here’s to GOP SOBs who, like chimps on each side,
Are throwing shit at one another across their divide
Republicans grow as wounded as one party can be
As into its wound salt’s forced by its biggest SOB.

12 April 2021

Trump goes on offensive in speech...against Republicans

Trump went on brutal rant against “dumb SOB Mitch McConnell” in Mar-A-Lago speech

Trump drags ‘stone cold” loser Mitch McConnell for not helping overturn election

Republicans not pleased with Trump’s fiery Mar-A-Lago speech

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