Friday, April 16, 2021

Bozo Lineup

What a lineup has been fielded by the GOP!
A team of wing-nuts as comically evil as can be
Supported by MyPillow guys playing like small infants
And commentators who blow plays wearing tinfoil hats
Not to mention Hawley, Cruz, and all the lineup rest
Who each day play ball in ways proving comedy is blessed.

It used to be that Louie Gohmert, Emperor For Life,
Committed all the errors needed to laugh at the strife
That constantly between Republicans and Democrats
Was played out over issues at best like kid’s ball field spats
While every game got rained out thanks to Mitch’s GOP
His whole team was not yet performing stand-up comedy.

But now the lineup behind Louie’s filled with super-stars
More whack-a-doodle far away from sanity than Mars
Who have to be told to shut up like Jordan yesterday
Because the laughter’s so painful when their mouths swing away
What a bozo lineup the Republicans have fielded
To pitch more laughs than any losing team has ever yielded.

16 April 2021

Jim Jordan Trips Over His Own Asshole Trying To Debate Anthony Fauci

‘Comically Evil’ Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert vote against National Bone Marrow Donor Act

MyPillow CEO launches ‘free speech” social media site by announcing list of censored words

Tucker goes full Tinfoil Hat: ‘Maybe the vaccine doesn’t work and they’re not telling you’

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