Saturday, April 17, 2021

Flag-Wrapped Thinktanks

Larry Kudlow’s back again, this time in a ‘thinktank’
That helps those who cannot find jobs because their choices stank
Continue to keep banking Trump’s big lie and orange ass
As their means to grift millions from suckers whose bucks will pass
Into the pockets of ‘thinktank’ grifters like Larry K
Because ‘America First’ sells well among suckers who’ll pay.

Kudlow’s been a money grubbing hack he and Cramer
Teamed up on TV to tout stocks back when the world was tamer
Before the Trump nightmare came and now won’t go away
As long as so-called ‘thinktanks’ employ jerks like Larry K
Who wrap themselves tight in the same flag Trump humped up on stage
And claim they are ‘non-profit’ while mass ‘donations’ they cage.

Post-Trump more Trump hacks will no doubt more ‘thinktanks’ organize
That use nostalgia for Dear Leader as their way to thrive
They’ll claim they are ‘non-partisan’, likewise ‘non-profit’ too
But scratch them and the scam beneath their flag wrap shines on through
A sucker’s every minute born and from fools money’s parted
So flag-wrapped ‘thinktanks’ to employ hacks are just getting started.

Beware of flag-wrapped ‘thinktanks’ and the grifters they employ
Who act like pseudo-patriots to from you wealth enjoy
They’re planning to fleece you because it’s so hard to find work
Once you’ve been stained by working for a corrupt orange jerk
But they know if they wrap grifting in the same abused flag
Trump loved to hump they can make it their money-making rag.

17 April 2021

Trumpism lives on in new thinktank, but critics say it’s ‘just a grift’

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