Saturday, April 10, 2021

Reverting To The Mean

She’s a nut and a charlatan despite all of the dough
That other nuts have donated to support her nut show
And she has now raised millions because lots of nuts out there
Are willing to send 10 dollars to nuts beyond compare
And those 10-spots add up when enough nuts have sent them in
To keep nut-jobs like Margie Greene solvent through thick and thin.

An awful lot of little nuts have to their big nut sent
Donations that encourage her to claim that government
Is something it’s her mission to destroy because all rules
Once holding it together are rules only non-nut fools
Consider worth maintaining so sent money justifies
Pushing weird-ass conspiracies and spewing daily lies.

Margie is the nuttiest of the new nut-job crop
That thanks to Trump now claws its way up to the very top
Of what was once the party of Lincoln who freed the slaves
But whose goal now is to maintain the power it so craves
And so absorbs into its ranks nut-jobs like Margie Greene
And hopes her weird conspiracies revert to its new mean.

10 April 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is A Nut And A Charlatan No Matter How Much Money She Raises

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s incredible fundraiser haul reveals what the GOP is really about

How will the white supremacy brand of today’s Republican Party end?

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