Friday, April 9, 2021

Matt Gaetz Saga S1E23

The aides surrounding Matt Gaetz have been dropping like dead flies
But rather than discuss their droppings he keeps telling lies
Republicans now avoid him like plague rats in their towns
Except of course for Margie Green whose defense knows no bounds
So as his end approaches and his fly drop rate increases
Nobody but Margie will demand criticism ceases.

Trump’s top troll is now being trolled by Never-Trumps galore
Who are delighted he’s been caught with pants down to the floor
But wing-nut Margie’s standing by to spring to his defense
When talk about him and teen girls he transports grows intense
With wing-nuts friends like her wing-nuts like Matt need never fear
That ‘though mostly abandoned top wing-nuts still hold him dear.

And so it goes as aides drop out and Matt hides that they’ve gone
And Margie Greene, wing-nut supreme, her nut defense drones on
As revealed facts keep aligning to kick him to the curb
He’ll keep on claiming accusations of sex are absurd
While also boasting of sex conquests and passing around
Nude photos even wing-nut Margie finds hard to play down.

9 April 2021

Another Gaetz aide abruptly quit - congressman hid registration for a week

Yet another shoe has dropped in Matt Gatez’ teen sex scandal

Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene - an unholy Trumpian alliance continues

Adam Kinzinger become 1st GOP member of Congress to call for Matt Gaetz’ resignation

Not Good For Matt Gaetz

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