Sunday, April 11, 2021

Map Crap

If you can’t win unless you cheat then cheating’s what you do
And gerrymandering’s the way you use map crap to screw
Winning votes held by local voting majorities
Through border re-positioning that makes minorities
In re-draw voting districts jury-rigged by you in haste
On your crap maps win their right to rule through lines you erase.

Voting districts that exist you know you’ll never win
Unless new crap map borders drawn by you can do them in
So your re-districting ensures lines on your crap maps dry
Before the next election they define passes you by
And your minority overcomes defeat by more votes
That your re-districting removes to shove wins down your throats.

So gerrymander away, losers, for you’ll never win
Playing by rules established when our country did begin
A nation based on person one vote is not your style
Because there’s now so few of you you will lose by a mile
If you allow things to remain as they are without change
Gerrymandered on your crap maps to votes re-arrange.

11 April 2021

‘Putin-style democracy’: how Republicans gerrymander the map

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