Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Great Divide

Biden’s speech last night was a real wonder to behold
Something in it for everyone, none left out in the cold
But all must do their fair share, he said, to set things aright
And that includes the 1% who feel no real tax bite
Plus background checks on guns and letting dreamers’ dreams come true
And other policies designed to help us all get through.
It’s hard to argue when unity is a common goal
Unless you’re a Republican privilege - preserving troll
Slouching towards a future that you know does not much hold
White privilege if legal voting leaves it in the cold
And so the trolls sat stoney - faced and did not stand or clap
Because the words they heard did not their white dominance back.

The cameramen did a great job focusing on each troll
Reacting to Biden’s speech as if up their ass a pole
Had been inserted so far they sat there uncomfortably
Scowling behind masks showing mad eyes for all to see
When thunderous applause rang out from the Democrat side
They squirmed and angrily schemed ways to brush Dem goals aside.

After the speech Uncle Tim, the only Black they’ve got
Represented whites who would in the past have him shot
He claimed that everything was peachy for his family 
Which proved that the Republicans are caring as can be
As long as tax hikes are withheld and trickle down’s kept up
In every pot will be placed chickens on which poor can sup.

Harry Truman once said something that’s forgotten now
He summarized two parties that in separate gardens plough
One party helps those who need help and lends a helping hand
The other helps those who don’t because their net worth is grand
We’re down to that divide once more, post-Trump more viciously
As helping hand dreams battle schemes that keep rich whites wealthy.

 29 April 2021

President Biden Gives A Pep Talk For Still-Unusual Times

Republicans shake their heads, doze off, and live tweet during Biden’s first joint address to Congress

Republican rebuttal of Biden speech suggests Democrats use race as a ‘political weapon’

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