Friday, April 23, 2021

Sole Expansion

Josh Hawley was the sole vote against the bill that went through
To make anti-Asian hate crimes illegal and thus few
He took his brave and lonely stance against the bill because
Being the opposite of human is what’s done by scuz
And to maintain his record as the sole soul with no soul
He holds the sole position on which history will troll.

Josh Hawley’s fist pump had already placed him in a class
Solely reserved for those whose character equates to ass
But with his vote his ass-ness he has so solidified
His role as top Republican ass can’t now be denied
He has achieved the pinnacle of ass-ness without peer
Among so many contenders he has no need to fear.

The sole soulless ass-crown is his and will be for all time
And with it may his name forever be linked with hate-crime
Because his sole vote cast against the deadly yellow peril
Has placed him at the head of all assholes whose hate is feral
The sole vote he cast against Asian souls is plain to see
As an expansion of soulless white ass supremacy.

23 April 2021

Josh Hawley pummeled for being sole vote against anti-Asian hate crimes bill

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