Thursday, April 8, 2021


Kemp says if you’re hungry while waiting in line hours to vote
You can just order UberEats to shove food down your throat
And if you’re thirsty while in line hours under hot sun
He say tell UberEats to bring you water by the ton.

UberEats is all you need to in long lines survive
So do not expect Georgia’s help to help you stay alive
Hot pizzas you can get delivered to sustain your body
So don’t complain about state laws treating your vote so shoddy.

Kemp claims his new laws are designed to make voting more easy
So ignore fake news you may hear about them being sleazy
Food and drink you can’t be served by workers while in line
But that’s to help small business like UberEats do fine.

There is no need for Georgia voters poor, old, black, or brown
To worry about hunger or heatstroke holding votes down
UberEats is minutes away from their cellphone calls
So why should state workers help out if someone in line falls?

Georgia, Texas, and other states shading into blue
Are circling their wagons to defend whites grown more few
Political power in those states since the Civil War
Has been snow white and their new laws will snow whiteness restore.

So if you are a Georgia voter who’s skin is not white
To wait in line without hunger or thirst’s now not your right
And laws Kemp and his cronies enact next will guarantee
That it will be illegal to your UberWater pee.

8 April 2021

Georgia governor says voters in line can order ‘UberEats’

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