Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Hard Work

It’s lots of hard work being President, Trump now does say
Which maybe is why he played golf every non-rainy day
He did not do one full day’s work because it was more easy
To let lickspittles do his job in ways almost as sleazy
As he himself would have done them if anything he did
But now that Biden’s getting credit he’s all “God forbid!”.

Now that some things are going well and voters are impressed
With Biden’s Presidency that’s surpassed the job he messed
The former President can’t accept there’s been turn about
From the hard work he never did and so expresses doubt
That Sleepy Joe’s really the one who’s making each decision
That’s re-uniting the country Trump burdened with division.

Trump simply can’t conceive of anybody unlike him
Doing hard work he never did when as Prez he was in
And getting credit for accomplishments he never got
When he did nothing except golf and stir division’s pot
It really bugs him Biden’s getting credit he should get
For things he claims he started and/or would do if in yet.

The laziest of former Presidents now makes the claim
That everything done after him should be linked to his name
All the hard work he avoided by playing golf so much
He claims is now being accomplished thanks to his past touch
He wants credit for hard work Biden's doing he’d have done
If he’d had time he could not find once golf games had begun.

7 April 2021

Trump says he doubts Biden ‘making the decisions’

Jimmy Kimmel flips Trump’s latest swipe at Biden on it’s head

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