Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Freedom Of The Mess

In less than one week three false stories have been circulated
By right-wing media with whom facts never were equated
The first was about Biden restricting hamburger meat
The second about Kamila’s book as a border treat
The third school one was so obscure no one can it recall
But all enraged Republicans more than Trump’s coup last fall.

Kudlow and Cotton are GOP jerks for all intents
And purposes for thinking crap has factual contents
Of course they won’t admit their spreading fake news tales was wrong
Because that would reflect on the Big Lie they both prolong
So not a word about the crap they repeated they’ll say
In hopes that criticism they’ve encountered goes away.

The right-wing media has published fake news crap for years
And has achieved the pinnacle of lying it appears
With three fake stories in one week causing the GOP
To have conniption fits that are now typical to see
No doubt next week more fake news stories will be spread around
As facts repeated by jerks in whose brains Big Lies resound.

28 April 2021

Another a day, Another Fox News Hoax

Right-wing media has pushed 3 completely false narratives in less than a week

The Hamburglar? How a story about meat limits fell apart

New York Post reporter who wrote false Kamila Harris story resigns

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