Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tuckered Out

Tucker Carlson thinks it’s fine Gaetz is still on the loose
But thinks that children wearing masks equates to child abuse
And he says you should call the cops if a kid’s mask you see
Because it’s like public exposure as clear as can be
And thus he has exposed himself as someone unaware
That he’s the biggest nut case hanging in the open air.

He may not want his viewers to survive or so it seems
Based on his anti-mask ranting come apart at the seams
Child abuse and public exposure are now two calls
He shares with Matt Gaetz stalking interns through dark Congress halls
Equating mask-wearing to child abuse is a leap
But adding public exposure proves Tuck’s the bigger creep.

My guess is Tucker wants so bad the President to be
He figures that out-Trumping Trump will gain him victory
And so he claims outrageous things when hosting shows on Fox
To make donations pour in from lie-gullible cult flocks
He acts indignant but cares less about kids he exposes
To COVID thanks to creepy thoughts he indecently poses.

27 April 2021

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson claims making children wear masks is ‘abuse’ https://flip.it/teE8Cm

Things to know: Tucker Carlson wants you to call the cops on kids wearing masks https://flip.it/7eMqNG

CNN host shocked by Tucker Carlson’s anti-mask rant: ‘Does he actually want his viewers to live?’ https://flip.it/LeKMAk

Tucker Carlson likens wearing a mask to exposing oneself in public https://flip.it/.1EORl

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