Saturday, April 3, 2021

Flushed Away

Fox tells lies to hide lies about the lies it’s liars told
About how Georgia’s Jim Crow laws will not voting erode
While down in Texas Jim Crow bills allow Trump maniacs
To pull their AK-47s from their MAGA hats
And use them to intimidate those daring to vote blue
To enforce what Republican losers are forced to do.

Deep in their hearts Republicans know they’ll less frequent win
As their pure white minority grows ever more more thin
And if ‘one person one vote’ rules are maintained as a right
There soon won’t be one person left elected lily white
So in red state after red state Jim Crow is flying in
To suppress voting rights making Republicans not win.

Jim Crow will keep on flying in until the Democrats
Pull something stronger than guns out from underneath their hats
And make it the law of our land to voters’ rights maintain
Thus causing state suppression bills to swirl down the swamp drain
So end the filibuster and make states try as they may
To enforce their suppression laws real laws have flushed away.

3 April 2021

Fox News lies that Georgia’s voter suppression law actually makes it easier to vote

Texas’ new Jim Crow bill would criminalize poll workers and allow MAGA maniacs to intimidate voters

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