Friday, April 2, 2021

Deeper Yet

The hole Matt Gaetz has dug himself into heads deeper down
As every day new revelations about that dumb clown
Are exposed to the light of day in ways strange and abrupt
And when it comes to twisted plots you can’t make this stuff up.

Even Rudy would tell Matt to shut up and lay low
But since he’s such an idiot that is not how he’ll go
The mouth he keeps on opening to dig him deeper down
Will pile plot twists up in ways no fiction writer’s found.

Online payments to women is the latest plot twist
One more of many being added to his growing list
Of things the DOJ now makes inquiries about
And about which with flapping mouth he helps them dispel doubt.

When history gets written they may give Matt’s tale a bye
Because it is so twisted it may not be worth the try
To explain to the future what occurred deep in the past
To a buffoon in Congress who kept digging to the last.

2 April 2021

Matt Gaetz, trying to prove his extortion claim, shares salacious new details of the DOJ’s case against him

Feds looking at alleged payments Rep. Matt Gaetz made to women and online solicitation

Justice department inquiry into Matt Gaetz said to be focused on cash paid to women

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