Sunday, April 4, 2021


The ‘Whackadoodledoo Award’ this year is not in doubt
It goes to the MyPillow guy for cranking crazy out
And putting it on full display for the whole world to see
Within the rehash mishmash of his ‘documentary’
To which the “Golden Raspberry Award” has now been given
As the worst film all year which from all hint of truth’s been driven.

MyPillow guy Mike Lindell is the Whackadoodle nut
To which all nut jobs should aspire no if and or but
Because when it comes to chopped foam is head’s so fully packed
In support of insanity it leads the Whack attack
MyPillows that he sells have more within them on the ball
Than lunatic Lindell the Whackadoodleist of all.

So Whackadoodledoo to Mike for winning two awards
One for his film which over every other bad film lords
And one for being a nutcase supreme within a crop
Where contenders like Margie Green vie to emerge on top
But neither Mike nor Margie, Matt nor Ted nor all the rest
In that crop can top The Donald, of Whackadoos the best.

4 April 2021

Does MyPillow CEO need to be in a straight jacket?

MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell “Donald Trump Will Be Back In Office In August”

Documentary claiming Trump won the election is named as one of the worst films of the year

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