Sunday, April 18, 2021

Anglo Saxon Values

Because Republicans don’t have a clue about the past
Their ‘Anglo-Saxon Values’ caucus was bound not to last
It’s advocates like Margie Greene and gross Paul Goser tried
To unveil their white right-wing caucus but were swept aside
By criticism from both sides and many mocking memes
That have now caused them to recant such values by all means.

Instead of white supremacy being the guiding light
That would lead their white caucus to triumph in every fight
They now say it was never their intention to promote
‘Anglo-Saxon values’ and to shove them down our throat
The outrage from both left and right has forced them to retreat
From ‘values’ about which they’ve no clue but loudly did entreat.

Angle and Saxon history began barbarian
As they pillaged England and for which Hitler praise did sung
With sword and fire when from their longboats they leapt ashore
They captured parts of England through rape, plunder, blood, and gore
Republicans like Margie who cannot think beyond white
Prove hate surpassed only by ignorance can’t make dumb right.

So Margie and her stupid friends crawl back under their rock
Because ‘uniquely Anglo-Saxon values’ did so shock
Those who did not fail history and thus don’t think it wise
To promote white supremacy in such obvious guise
Smart GOP supremacists know better ways to win 
Involve values more subtle than Nazi barbarian.

18 April 2021

GOP members starting ‘Anglo Saxon caucus’ receive relentless online clowning

Marjorie Taylor Greene forced to abandon America First Caucus after Republican outrage

Reporter catches Marjorie Taylor Greene shamelessly lying about her widely panned ‘Anglo-Saxon Values’ caucus

‘Anglo-Saxon’ is what you say when ‘Whites Only’ is too inclusive

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