Thursday, April 22, 2021

Look Dick Look See Spot Run

Margie Greene is gunning for a fight with AOC
And once it’s on it’s bound to be knock-out reality
But first there are 14 whole pages of the Green New Deal
She has to actually read before the fight gets real
And that’s an awful lot of pages to have to read through
When you are busy screaming about some laser-armed Jew.

Margie thinks her business admin degree means she’ll trash
AOC’s degree in economics when they clash
But that won’t happen until she first 14 pages reads
And that’s hard when Jew satellites more forest fire breeds
And it may also be hard because ‘reading’ it now seems
Is something she had no time to learn fighting laser beams.

We may have to wait awhile for this ‘debate’ to occur
Because 14 whole pages is a lot of words for sure
And if her reading’s at a level that’s elementary
It will take a long time to sound out the long words she’ll see
Across those 14 pages concerned with the Green New Deal
So screams about Jew space lasers holds for her more appeal.

22 April 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene is gunning for a debate with AOC over the Green New Deal - but admits she hasn’t read actually ‘all 14 pages’ of it yet

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