Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fellow Nuts

Margie Greene and Jimmy J proclaim Gaetz innocent
Which is about all the endorsement Matt is going to get
Because other Republicans are laying very low 
And won’t stick their necks out for one who may little girls know
So Matt has two defenders but neither one pulls much weight
One has his own sex scandal, one screams Jew space laser hate.

These two nut cases have proclaimed lack of pederasty
In a fellow nut case who is the dumbest of the three
Before all facts are in and guilt or innocence is proven
Marge and Jim are the just the kind of nut cases behouven
While fellow GOP lay low to over the hill charge
Proclaiming innocence without facts on which to enlarge.

All nut cases must stick together in Congress, OK?
Or else those with brains may arrive and blow the nuts away
Who can’t imagine they could be replaced by nuts who think
And so defend their fellow nuts for lewd sex acts that stink
So as the case against Matt Gaetz for teenage sex plays out
They’ll louder scream he’s innocent and blame the Dems no doubt.

1 April 2021

Marge Greene and Jim Jordan proclaim Matt Gaetz ‘innocent’

Republicans have been waiting for the Matt Gaetz scandal to break

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