Monday, April 26, 2021

Meat Lies

Kudlow’s in the news again again being an ass
For lying about meat and beer and saying we must pass
Hamburgers up on July 4th and grill some broccoli
Because he is repeating meat lies heard on Fox TV
Without first checking to see if they held an ounce of truth
But that’s the kind of ass he is, very long in the tooth.

People forget he said the stock market economy
Would go on up forever just as high as high could be
And he made that prediction just before its crash and burn
Which he hopes everyone forgets so him they will not spurn
But look at his track record and incompetence you’ll see
Masquerading as a sage of the economy.

Trump hired Kudlow because the worst people he could find
He placed into position kissing his ass overtime
So it made sense a charlatan advisor economic
Was chosen to perpetuate market talk idiotic
About how under Trump markets would never sound retreat
A prediction Kudlow’s still touting on his Fox News beat.

What’s past is prologue and when markets again hit the wall
Right after Kudlow predicts they can never ever fall
He’ll be as wrong about money as about plant-based beer
Which is exactly what beer’s made of, and thus he’s made clear
That when it comes to predictions it’s easy to predict
That Larry Kudlow was, is, and will always be a dick.

26 April 2021

Fox News Host Larry Kudlow’s rages that Biden’s Green New Deal will force Americans to drink ‘plant based beer’

Daily Mail and Fox News pushed misleading claims about Biden limiting meat consumption. Conservatives like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene lashed out at the president anyway

Republicans falsely blast Biden for wanting to restrict America’s meat consumption

‘Completely Imaginary’: CNN fact-checker busts GOP claim that Biden will ban hamburgers

Biden’s fictional war on meat is a real problem

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