Monday, April 5, 2021

A Bridge Too Far

They first got conned into sending small donations galore
And then dark patterns conned them into sending a lot more
They promised Trump maybe $100 that they could afford
But when their bill came in more than $2000 they’d been gored.

Fine text hidden in dark patterns was how Trump’s con did steer
Unintended millions to his coffers free and clear
From MAGA fan supporters who through con found themselves duped
And who want millions that he conned from them to be recouped.

Trump 2020 laughed all the way to his private vault
Where millions came in thanks to fine print that did not bucks halt
But some he duped no longer as fans towards him still look
With love-filled eyes after he hit them in the pocketbook.

No matter what Trump did to them, despite all lies he told
They stood by him through thick and thin and for nothing did scold
But now the truth about his con has hit them where they live
And some at least are not about to dark patterns forgive.

It was a bridge too far to cross for them to forgive him
For conning them into depleted bank accounts grow thin
By hitting them deep in the purse his last bridge he did burn
And those his con impoverished his head on a pike now yearn.

If you steal your fans’ money you had better watch your back
No matter how they worshipped you before they’ll now attack
You may have been their chosen one but now your name they’ll trash
If your dark patterns divert from their savings hard-earned cash.

5 April 2021

Trump used dark patterns to trick supporters into donating millions more than intended

All a scam: Trump 2020 exposed for defrauding his own fans, echoing Trump U. debacle

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