Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Barking Scared

Once upon a time Republican and corporation
Worked hand in hand to influence how they both ran our nation
Republicans passed laws that make rich corporations glad
And corporations wrote the biggest checks lawmakers had
And everything between the two groups was hunky-dory
But now McConnell’s scared as a Republican can be.

It seems that Coke and other giant corporations feel
That laws passed in Georgia and Texas are not a good deal
Because they have to look ahead and looking ahead see
That future customer bases will not lily white be
And since their goal is selling stuff and not suppressing votes
Their turn against Republicans sticks in GOP throats.

In states like Georgia and Texas Republicans agree
That only by suppressing votes can they a future see
Their future vision is the opposite of corporations
Who see their future as selling to non-white populations
So it has come to pass these former comrades disagree
On vote suppression laws passed by some local GOP.

Poor Mitch is therefore barking scared that it has come to pass
That instead of checks companies send him kicks in the ass
On one hand he needs his GOP candidates to win
And on the other knows less corporate funds will do them in
He cannot see a middle ground when future so diverge
And so rather than good times songs he’s singing a sad dirge.

The future of the future Mitch’s Republicans see
Is just as lily white as it could as fine whitely be
The future of the future that big companies observe
Is selling to new populations not on the white curve
And so the two sides see no longer their futures as one
And Mitch is barking scared that his Republicans are done.

Mitch knows to replace his old gang Trump cultists will arise
Who don’t need corporate sponsors to keep their campaigns alive
Instead they’ll get small donations from conspiracy nuts
Who rabidly buy all their lies no ifs or ands or buts
As corporation checks decline small donations will grow
And off into the sunset Mitch Republicans will go.

Republicans have sown the wind so it is no surprise
The whirlwind they’re now reaping’s grown to such tremendous size
One thing led to another and what’s leading to the end
Of their party is disagreement with those once called friend
Profits are the bottom line for corporations so
Between past friends and future markets guess which one will go.

6 April 2021

Mitch McConnell Is Barking Scared Now That Corporate Power Is Against Him https://flip.it/Dag9dJ

‘Stay out of politics’ Republican leader McConnell tells U.S. CEOs, warns of ‘consequences’ https://flip.it/oTodyh

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