Friday, March 26, 2021

Toll Collection

If you think the Republicans have your welfare at heart
Or know they have been scamming you but do not give a fart
You are either a billionaire who is in on their con
Or so dumb you can’t comprehend the ways you’ve been led on
By corrupt politicians and so given them your vote
Because you buy decades of lies that are from truths remote.

What did you think would happen when their taxes they cut back
With promises to trickle down on you good things you lack?
What did you think would happen when their policies enacted
Maintained their power by getting the rights you had retracted?
What did you think would happen when for 40 years and more
They’ve been lining their pockets with your donations they score?

The article prompting this poem please read now line and verse
Because it summarizes why your lives keep getting worse
Because you keep on voting for Republicans alone
Who only care about themselves so to help you aren’t prone
Once back in France when people woke up heads began to roll
When you wake up you too may choose to collect heads as toll.

26 March 2021

An open letter to Republican voter - who may finally be figuring out the GOP has been scamming them

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