Thursday, March 25, 2021


Fox tries so hard to criticize it really is a shame
That their screams about Kamala’s non-salute were in vain
She waved instead of saluting!!! they screamed on their front page
And for that type of disrespect the total world should rage!!!

But then the Pentagon stepped up and told them “Not so fast”
Salutes are not required when by soldiers she walks past.
She’s not in the chain of command so it’s a courtesy 
If she salutes back to saluting soldiers she may see.

Such courtesies are nice to see but they are not required
So yelling about non-salutes non-stop is getting tired
Presidents and VPs aren’t required to salute
It’s nice if they do so but frankly we do not give a hoot.

Poor Fox thought it had found a way to take Kamala down
They did not check facts and so acted again like a clown
But that is how fake news shows act, they shoot before they aim
And hope nobody contradicts the bullseye hits they claim.

25 March 2021

Fox News Report On Kamala Harris Not Saluting Gets Fierce Fact Check

Pentagon: Vice Presidents Don’t Have To Return Salutes - Nor Do Presidents

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