Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Nut Crop

Republicans are in the end stage of their long career
As nuts filling their halls of Congress make so very clear
Gaetz and Johnson and Boebert and others of their ilk
All help the GOP’s demise proceed as smooth as silk
One could not ask for better examples of swift decline
Than what nut jobs accomplish without working overtime.

Gaetz sends his kid to bug hot spots to play and perhaps die
While Johnson’s crazy train on weirder tracks careens on by
And Boebert offers Bolder prayers by backgrounds stacked with guns
While “Jewish Laser” Greene says fake news gives her mouth the runs
And they’re just four of the nut crop as creamy as can be
Contending for Top Nut Job title of the GOP. 

Republicans have packed nuts in whose brains hardly suffice
Since Louie Ghomert arrived to be Emperor For Life
But Trump set such a high standard as nut case boss supreme
Bell curve locations where their crop now fits are at extreme
Every day the cream of their crop competes to sit
Out on the extreme edge of end stage GOP nut shit.

23 March 2021

Florida Representative Matt Gaetz told Fox News he kept his adopted son Nestor go on spring break to COVID hot spot Panama City https://flip.it/Db8eFT

Ron Johnson’s Crazy Train Is Somehow Getting Even Weirder https://flip.it/BdZiGg

Critics tell Rep. Lauren Boebert what to do with her “prayers” after Bolder shooting https://flip.it/DLBIT-

Marjorie Taylor Green excuses her “Jewish Space Lasers” comment in a very Marjorie Taylor Green way https://flip.it/tBpL6n

The Republican Party is now in its end stages https://flip.it/B5q18g

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