Sunday, March 21, 2021


Surprise! Trump’s Mar-A-Lago has been closed due to the bug
That plays no favorites when it comes to causing a dumb thug
To lose sources of income because he thinks he’s above
Infections that fit all others beneath him like a glove.

His gilded palace has been brought by the bug to its knees
Which has infected serving staff who aren’t even Chinese
Which means rich white thug cronies who want there with him to meet
Will have to find a safer joint at which to their steaks eat.

Trump’s Mar-A-Lago money stream is suddenly impacted
By bug infections, but that does not make him much distracted
Because he’s grifting contributions from his fine white cult
Continually, and their bucks make his wealth catapult.

Of course their small donations he is not supposed to use
For personal expenses, and of course he will abuse
That rule that says PAC money is intended for one thing
And not for buying baubles to which his small hands would cling.

Here’s hoping that his staff recover from their bug infections
That have hit Mar-A-Lago thanks to minimal protections
But where jerks reject masks while rubbing shoulders left and right
If Trump and his thugs get infected that seems about right.

21 March 2021

Trump’s Mar-A-Lago partially closed due to COVID outbreak

Fla. lawmaker says Trump’s club is being “Cavalier and Careless” about COVID after outbreak among staff

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