Saturday, March 20, 2021

Absolutely Devastating

What bill could be more devastating for the GOP
Than a bill that makes voting rights a legal guarantee?
Without voter suppression and the other tricks they play
Chances of winning by Republicans would go away
If they don’t kill that bill their rule by minority’s through
As are all local laws they have proposed to voters screw.

Right now they do not have the votes to kill it in the House
Because there’s not enough nuts there to its demise espouse
And so it’s in the Senate where they’re planning its demise
By first screaming that filibuster change would be unwise
They know without the filibuster their chances are dead
To of rights brought by HR1 staying one step ahead.

It’s coming down to one question: will the Democrats act
To change the filibuster and thereby dilute attack
Now underway at state levels deep Red and turning Blue
To suppress voting rights so GOP wins still accrue?
It’s time for a decision because it’s grown more than plain
Republicans want to flush legal voting down the drain.

Republicans screaming the loudest were the ones before
Who changed the filibuster to close the Supreme Court’s door
McConnell led that change but now he says he stands aghast
That Democrats would dare to do what he did in the past
It’s time for Democrats to stop the filibuster dead
And make Republicans compete in legal ways they dread.

20 March 2021

McConnell threatens to hold the Senate hostage unless he can keep holding the Senate hostage

GOP warns HR1 could be ‘absolutely devastating for Republicans’

McConnell’s filibuster threats are already backfiring: Biden signals support for Senate reform

Arizona Republicans push new laws to limit mail-in voting

The GOP is dying. The only way they can win is by cheating.

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