Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Reasonable People

‘Reasonable People’ and ‘False Statements’ seldom mix
For if people are reasonable they to lies affix
Healthy skepticism to those they hear one and all
Which is the defense strategy argued by Sidney Powell
Who lied for Donald through her teeth but now claims no one could
Ever believe a word she said if they were thinking good.

The former Trump election lawyer so swiftly let go
Because her beliefs were too weird for even the Trump show
Now needs to get a great big lawsuit against her thrown out
Because $1.3 billion is more than her bank account
So she asks the judge to believe her Big Lie facts were lies
As ‘reasonable people’ without question would surmise.

Meanwhile in peachy Georgia Rudy’s ‘False Statements’ may be
Why he ends up locked up inside a penitentiary
Unlike space cadet Sidney he has not so far as yet
Claimed ‘reasonable people’ would on his statements not bet
But since all he said was a lie Trump’s Big Lie to defend
He also may claim ‘reasonable people’ his legal friend.

All ‘reasonable people’ know lawyers get paid to lie
But claiming their lies as defense is a new slice of pie
Only a kook conspirator lawyer would argue so
But her defense may influence how Rudy’s goo will flow
If he also claims ‘reasonable people’ his lies discount
Trump’s Big Lie he and Sidney claimed as fact they’ll help to rout.

24 March 2021

Former Trump Election Lawyer’s Defense: No ‘Reasonable People’ Would Believe Claims As Facts

Ex-Trump lawyer admits Big Lie was lie

Georgia Prosecutors Eye ‘False Statements’ Charges For Rudi Giuliani And Team Trump

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