Wednesday, March 10, 2021

RINO Replacements

Money sent to RINOS is money sent down a hole
It’s wasted because there’s no Trump-cut in it as its goal
Instead it supports those who don’t support the chosen one
And that’s why he’s so angry such donations have begun
If he can’t get his cut he knows exactly what to do
And that is to make threats to make donation cuts accrue.

He newest halt and desist order comes as no surprise
It claims his image is sacred and he won’t compromise
In letting those disloyal to him use it to get bucks
Which he wants sent to his SAP PAC, and so he says it sucks
That RINOS who seek donations via TV and phone
Are using his face to raise money meant for him alone.

Trump really hates it that his orange mug’s peripheral 
To what the government once did tho him his money pull
He gets much less now than before when every policy
He enacted had at its core his kick-back guarantee
So he demands disloyal RINOS stop using his name
And image in their fundraising or they’ll go down in flame.

Republicans have come to this: supporting Donald Trump
So he can keep conning cult members so his cuts don’t slump
Or taking a stand against him and ever after be
Afraid he’ll get them shot on Main Street and get away free
And that’s why many have declared they will retire early
Which clears slots Trump can fill with Margie Greenes even more squirrelly.

As both sides of one warring party fight their futures out
Democrats watch on aghast at how things have turned out
So much for calls of unity they once hoped would prevail
Trump will be Trump forever, even if he’s thrown in jail
Mob bosses have retained power once locked inside the pen
So through RINO replacements Trump’s cuts may flow yet again.

Trump’s orange face and piggy lips henceforth must not appear
In ads for money not for him, he’s made that very clear
Hereafter any RINO fool who tries to use his face
To raise money he will destroy in their next voting race
If he can’t get his cut from PAC money they raise then why
Would he support their wins after his big lie one passed by?

10 March 2021

Trump supports “important GOP committees” but still demands “RINOS and fools” not fundraise with his image

Trump vows “No more money for RINOS”, instead encouraging donations to his PAC

Trump’s clash with Republicans over using his name in fundraising ignites worries for midterm elections

Republican Retirements Are The Price Mitch McConnell Is Paying For Selling Out His Party To Donald Trump

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