Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Matter Of Days

Donald’s in deep doo-doo and at Mar-A-Lago’s door
Prosecutors will be showing up soon by the score
To serve him legal papers that indict his sorry ass
For tax evasion and lots more stuff he’s allowed to pass
It won’t be long before his civil trials have begun
And they’ll show us exactly how deep in his butt’s become.

He jacked the value of a New York place up so galore
That for one year it was worth way more than all years before
And then after that year its value went back down again
To where it was before accountants hiked it with their pen
The tax write-off from that year was so high it was insane
And that’s just one evasion trick tax prosecutors claim.

John Dean who is no stranger to the ways of Watergate
Predicts we’re only days away from learning Donald’s fate
For tax shenanigans he will soon be made to atone
Because that’s how you get people like him and Al Capone
His fine cult will scream bloody murder when he’s hauled away
To for the taxes he evaded finally at last pay. 

Michael Cohen’s met with lawyers seven times so far
So Dean thinks it’s a matter of days ‘ere a big black car
Pulls up at Mar-A-Lago’s door to serve Trump with the papers
That indict him for tax evasion and his other capers
He hasn’t shot someone on Main Street yet but that’s OK
‘Cause what he’s done for years is plenty to put him away.

11 March 2021

John Dean Warns Trump That Prosecutors Are Closing In: “ Only A Matter Of Days”

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