Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Foreign Aid

The foreigners in Guam are on America a drain
Sending money overseas to them’s therefore insane
Tax money should be kept at home instead of there outcropping
To help our crooked politicians do their Christmas shopping
If Margie Taylor Greene has her way no money will flow
To foreign lands like Guam, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.

Hard-earned tax dollars she’d have in America remain
To help Elaine Chao purchase gifts and not her fortune drain
Why should Chao spend one penny of her own personal wealth
When tax dollars that she can skim just sit there on the shelf?
And more dollars she’ll have to skim once Marge stops “foreign aid” 
From being sent to foreign countries all expenses paid.

The mainland of America alone Margie supports
So far-off places like Alaska must not, she reports,
Receive one single dollar of those tax-payers provide
To Elaine to buy gifts from stores where citizens reside
Margie Greene is working hard to ensure Chao’s free bucks
Aren’t sent off to foreign shitholes and there spent by foreign schmucks.

9 March 2021

Rep. Greene thinks U.S. Territory Guam gets too much “foreign aid” https://flip.it/U1Kdx-

Elaine Chao used taxpayer dollars to do her Christmas shopping, damning report says https://flip.it/Pg58EV

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