Saturday, March 6, 2021


What purpose does Donald still serve within the GOP?
If you can find a clue about it would you please tell me?
The purpose that the GOP serves him comes down to bucks
But his purpose to them seems to some so far really sucks
At least that’s what the WSJ says and they should know
They kissed his ass for years but now say it’s time he should go.

Apparently this stance by the Wall Street Journal began
When Trump sent out an email saying Rove was not his man
That email he had to send out because he cannot tweet
Or use the social media in ways he once thought neat
And if from email they also from him create division
He’ll be forced to send his rants out via carrier pigeon.

His nutty email rant against Karl Rove was enough
To make the Wall Street Journal question if he has the stuff
Still needed by the GOP to get them back on top
Or if he’s become useless to them and him they should drop
It’s quite a comedown for he who was God’s own chosen one
Or so he said before the WSJ said he’s done.

From here on out perhaps the Donald will just fade away
As lawsuits pile high and legal bills get in the way
Of his return to power that so far has proved a bust
Once March 4th came and went leaving predictions in the dust
The Journal turning against him of straws may be the last
Needed to staunch the running sore his mouth’s been in the past.

6 March 2021
Trump Goes Full Cancel Culture As He Angrily Demands Fox Fire Karl Rove

WSJ editorial board sounds off on Trump’s latest antics by questioning his role in the GOP

The former guy’s nutty attack on Karl Rove reminded me how grateful I am he’s no longer on Twitter

The 17 most outlandish lines from Donald Trump’s attack on Karl Rove

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