Friday, March 5, 2021

Day Of Disappointment

Dear Leader let his fine cult down by being a no-show
Yesterday when on his throne he was supposed to go
Placed there due to some miracle that never was explained
But should have restored him to power he would have re-gained
To once again be President henceforth forevermore
But rather than a riot the news March 4th was a bore.

The Capitol did not get stormed, no riot there occurred
On Fox News news of Dr. Seuss was all anyone heard
And of Mr. Potato Head who now’s also a Mrs.
And other burning issues that the GOP off pisses
Such news reports made obvious that Trump-world one and all
Were at a loss because Dear Leader answered not the call.

Perhaps it was emplaced armed troops that the Proud Boys dissuaded
From Trump’s predicted restoration so anticipated
Or maybe it was that the miracle his cult required
Had flown off to Cancun because of winter it was tired
Whatever happened led to disappointment totally
When rather than Trump’s Orange Head Potato Heads we’d see.

March 4th is gone and his cult’s still bereft of Donald Trump
And Dr. Seuss indignantly on Fox is all they dump
Potato Heads are no replacement for a restored king
Who was nowhere to be seen on his day of restoring
His second coming was a bust so let’s just wait to see
If on another secret day the king’s return will be.

5 March 2021

Feds on high alert Thursday after warnings of potential threats to U.S. Capitol

Star-bellied Grinches (and other diversions)

“More important to them than health care” Joy Reid says Potato Head is ‘the Republican Platform’ 

Trump isn’t magically President again but QAnon is OK with that

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