Sunday, March 7, 2021

He And Him

Even though he did not lose (he won by a landslide)
He cannot with the one he calls his son-in-law abide
He’s “very angry” with him for causing his win to lose
Although he did not lose so blaming him tends to confuse
But since he never blames himself for anything he’s done
To him it makes sense to blame him for the loss that he won.

He wants some time alone to with his wife and children play
And maybe learn each kids’ name again so it he can say
And so he is now MIA from his father-in-law
Whose un-stroked ego is now telling him to eat it raw
And blaming him for losing the election that he won
By his landslide he for him lost so to blame him he’s come.

If this blame-game confuses you you’re not paying attention
All know he never blames himself, that’s never his intention
So all that happens to him must on someone else be blamed
So now it is his son-in-law who with blame he has maimed
For losing his election he won by a great landslide
And would thus still be President if he’d not turned the tide.

So although he won he made him lose the big win he won
Ergo the blame from him to he who is his in-law son
Who wanted some time off from him to with his family play
And to remember his kid’s names and so went MIA
Just when he needed him to his hurt ego soothe with strokes
And thus at him who made his win lose he now his blame pokes.

7 March 2021

Trump Is Reportedly “Very Angry” At His MIA Son-In-Law Jared Kushner And Blames Him For Losing The Election

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