Saturday, March 13, 2021

One Of The Greatest

Alabama proclaims Trump one of the greatest yet
Of any U.S. president a Deep South state can vett
Their reasons are four-fold and once you’ve heard each you’ll agree
He is one of the greatest presidents we’ll ever see
So pay attention while this poem recites them line and verse
And you’ll see that as presidents go Trump’s the best of worst.

The first reason why Alabama says he’s greatest yet
Is because his bleach and lightbulb vaccines we did not get
Under his great leadership real vaccines got created
And 16.5 million people were inoculated
Although that number is as many as now’s done in days
Alabama wants us to thank Trump with vaccine praise.

The next reason is Trump’s tax cuts that shovel wealth uphill
From where it’s bound to trickle down poor people’s needs to fill
It’s true no trickling so far has anywhere been seen
But that does not mean pennies from on high won’t be the mean
If Trump’s election landslide had not been stolen away
No doubt the 1% would all be trickling today.

Next up is NAFTA, or that is our removal therefrom
And all the money tariffs bring thanks to the chosen one
So what if tariffs do not work the way Trump thinks they do?
He took us out of NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific too!
And all know those arrangements were job-killing as can be
What jobs they killed Alabama’s not sure but’s sure we’ll see.

The final reason of the four why Trump’s one of the greats
Is court-packing that will for decades hence decide our fates
Conservatives now pack the courts from bottom up to top
Which means decisions Alabama wants will not soon stop
And Trump filled judgeships with the youngest judges ever found
So what if they don’t have experience?, they’ll stand their ground!

So there you have it: four reasons why Trump’s one of the best
Because in Alabama each passes their acid test
So what if from reality these reasons stand apart?
They happened under Trump so they have won Deep Dixie’s heart
Soon a framed proclamation to Mar-A-Lago will go
That says that because Alabama says Trump’s best he’s so.

13 March 2021

Alabama GOP issues proclamation declaring Trump one of the greatest presidents ever

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