Friday, March 12, 2021


There’s stupid in the real world where a lot of us still live 
And then there’s stupid in the world that is alternative
And it is in that other world where Republicans dwell
Who don’t want the vaccine because Trump told them all is well
And promised like a miracle COVID would melt away
Although he got the vaccine quietly the other day.

The world that’s not alternative is the one where the host
Of those who believe science when it says COVID’s not toast
Welcome the vaccine and make mask-wearing each day’s rule
And think that social-distancing is required and cool
So there death rates and hospital stays have been going down
As welcome vaccine injections have started gaining ground.

In the world that’s alternative where Trump cultists still dwell
The highest COVID incidence and death rates are the tell
That no matter what Trump promised or how hard they believe
Rejecting the reality around them can’t relieve
Stupidity that’s magnified by factors more than 10
When Trump’s miracle melt crap’s believed ad infinitum.

For the alternative Trump world where vaccines are rejected
It’s hard to feel much sympathy and hard to feel dejected
For fools so sure their chosen one never leads them astray
They’re willing to die as the price melt crap lies make them pay
It’s true where vaccines have been welcomed stupid can be found
But it’s the universal rule where Trump crap wears the crown.

12 March 2021

States with Republican governors had the highest COVID incidence and death rates, study finds

Over a third of Republicans don’t want the COVID vaccine, and many of them aren’t budging

Here are the groups that don’t want a COVID vaccine - and Trump voters are near the top

Trump got vaccinated secretly, because otherwise he might have helped the country

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