Sunday, March 14, 2021


The sorest of sore losers are Republicans these days
Who once again are going through a secessionist phase
They’re threatening to leave the Union lying in the lurch
By climbing out on a limb to in isolation perch
As self-sufficient citizens of states of “me” and “I”
Where non-whites, liberals, and immigrants need not apply. 

They crave another country filled up with their kind alone
Removed from all unlike them who to white skin are not prone
Who disagree with tyranny, who do not worship guns,
Who are not fine cult followers of self-named chosen ones,
Who aren’t willing to kill to protect sacred unborn life,
Who prefer “unity” to constant rage, anger, and strife.

The country where Republican sore-head losers would dwell
They probably would name “Trumpland” because to them he’s swell
They can’t imagine any other chosen ones to follow
Unless they’re a Trump kid or two to lead them while they wallow
In isolation far removed from those “united” states
Remaining after they secede from vote-stealing ingrates.

Nothing succeeds like secession or so they believe
And so they are again grumbling it's past time to leave
And form an alternate union more perfect in their eyes
Than the one they reside in currently and so despise
Every time they lose elections secession’s their call
And so here they go once again and have gone since last fall.

14 March 2021

Sore Loser Republicans Whining About “Secession” Again

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