Thursday, March 4, 2021


It is very offensive to those who know history
To hear President Biden comment clearly as can be
That Mississippi and Texas have the brains overall
To be compared with the intelligent Neanderthal
It is grossly unfair of Joe to so demean a race
That survived for millennia and still within us trace.

Neanderthals adapted to environments extreme
Unlike two states with no clue what adaptation might mean
Each ensures they’ll make people die because they can’t adjust
To evolutionary change leaving them in the dust
Unlike clever Neanderthals their dumb states they now screw
Because they can’t adapt behaviors that see others through.

Biden should apologize to those he has maligned
By with idiot governors their clever race aligned
Neanderthals survived 400,000 years or more
While cold snaps down in Texas got Cruz headed out the door
So good luck, Texas/Mississippi, with increased demise
But Joe should still to your superiors apologize.

4 March 2021

Texas, Mississippi respond to Biden “Neanderthals” remark about their decision to reopen

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