Monday, March 8, 2021

Think Globally, Fight Locally

It’s on the local level where real damage may be done
To those who love freedom by those who love the chosen one
Extremist Trump supporters there now locally engage
In suppressing all voters who are not on their same page.

Their goal is to turn voting rights back to where they had been 
When in the south they were controlled by a white crow named Jim
Before uppity blacks were given rights that let them choose
To vote against Republicans who then began to lose.

With voting rights made free for all Republicans admit
The rights of non-white voters turn their chance to win to shit
To them it should be against laws of God and man to vote
Unless you’re white and born with silver spoons shoved down your throat.

A backlash against voting rights they have therefore begun
As extremist Trump supporters on local levels come
To take over Republican parties and thus control
The rights of whites alone to cast the votes that win their goal.

While Biden fights on top to protect global voting rights
Down at the local level Trump cultists are fighting fights
Against all non-white right to vote, and call for unity
By welcoming Jim Crow’s return throughout the GOP.

8 March 2021

The GOP has enlisted the Supreme Court in its anti-voting rights campaign

GOP state parties declare war on American voters

New report exposes extremist Trump supporters taking over local Republican parties - and it’s terrifying

Georgia Republicans are pushing dozens of “election integrity” bills. Black voters are the target, rights groups say

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