Friday, March 19, 2021


Where would Republicans be without their hypocrisy?
They’d still be white supremacists, of that I guarantee
And many now in Congress would still be thick as a brick
But those are not defining characteristics I’d pick
It is their grand hypocrisy of which today I speak
A trait they are excelling at as their prospects grow bleak.

What is good for the goose their gander never once accepts
That’s why they’re claiming credit for COVID stimulus checks
They all voted against but loudly now back home proclaim
As how they’ve helped constituents ride on the gravy train
Because of some amendments they in that bill bullied through
The hypocrites now claim credit for all to them is due.

On top of their lies now we must their rank hypocrisy 
Try to point out as blatant to those still with eyes that see
While they pull wool unending over eyes that vote their way
By claiming they deserve credit for bills they vote to slay
Smug bastard hypocrites infest Congress’s current crop
And claim credit for benefits they cast no-votes to stop.

19 March 2021

Biden’s COVID stimulus Bill brings out GOP hypocrisy once again

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