Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Toad Chowder

Losin’ Susan is “baffled” and does NOT “understand”
Why she is now the MOST STATE-HATED “Senator” on hand!!!
Her lobster VOTERS!!! turned AGAINST her, and the “reason” why
Is because with ALL that I want she FULLY did comply
She still “thinks” she is acting, state-wise, “independently”
But when you VOTE!!! for BeerGut Brett how “indie” can you be???

Once you’ve assumed position in MY TOAD MENAGERIE
It’s even “obvious” in “Maine” you’re NO LONGER “indie”
You say you’re doing what you ALWAYS say you say you’ve done
But even though ”Down Easterners” aren’t “smart” they are NOT dumb!!!
They can see you SOLD OUT to ME to get in return
A brief role in MY ENTOURAGE in your LAST “Senate” term!!!

“Maine” VOTERS!!! WILL soon kick your baffled ASS right out the door
Because they “know” instead of “Lobster” you’re TOAD to the core!!!
And that’s why you’ve been looking like a deer in a headlight
Or maybe a “Maine” MOOSE who’s become CONFUSED and UPTIGHT!!!
You’ve done ALL THINGS I wanted, on VOTES!!! FOR ME you’ve come through!!!
That’s why your STATE VOTERS!!! with HATE state they are through with you!!!

But HEY!!!, look on the BRIGHT SIDE, at least for a LITTLE while
You got to SUPPORT ME in ways that ALMOST made ME “smile”!!!
And BeerGut now sits on MY EVER MORE PACKED “Supreme Court”
Because you came through for ME as MY VOTE!!! of LAST RESORT!!!
So once you’re OUT and back to eating “chowder” in the “snow”
Be PROUD you became the TOAD your “Maine” VOTERS!!! came to “know”!!!

4 March 2019

Susan Collins is baffled why Maine’s voters have turned on her: report

Susan Collins does not "understand" why Maine voters have turned on her

Susan Collins doesn't "understand" why voters turned on her. Did she forget her impeachment vote?

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