Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Fast Track

Little Grouchy Fauci’s DARING to CONTRADICT ME!!!
He says a “vaccine’s” “years” away!!! I say we’ll have to see!!!
He says it MUST be “tested” first and then go through a “trial”!!!
I say BEEN THERE DONE THAT!!! The T-shirt DID NOT make ME smile!!!
I HEREBY DEMAND that “vaccine’s” “trial” OVER and DONE
And I PARDON IT in ADVANCE to get MY “CURE” begun!!!

As “President” I HEREBY FORBID “science” “trial” HOAX
From EXTENDING the time it takes to MY GREAT TRUMP “CURE” coax
Out of so-called “labs” and into BIG PHARMA RAPIDLY
Where PROFITS!!! I’ll start making as KICK-BACKS accrue to ME!!!
If I’m STUCK with this “Pandemic” it better MAKE ME RICH!!!
Because so far ALL it’s done is MY RE-ELECTION!!! GLITCH!!!

So Grouchy Fauci and those so-called “doctors” left around
On Pence’s EXPERT TASK FORCE better NOT act like a CLOWN!!!
If I DEMAND MY TRUMP “vaccine” bring PROFITS in a WEEK
They’d better say “YES SIR, OF COURSE!!!” and their dumb “process” TWEAK!!!
I FORBID any WITCH-HUNT “trials” to MY “CURE” applying!!!
Crank “vaccine” CRAP out those “lab” doors and get MY KICK-BACKS FLYING!!!

3 March 2020

Task Force Expert Instantly Contradicts Trump On 'Quick' Coronavirus Vaccine — Again

Trump meets with big pharma to tackle coronavirus

Expert has to explain vaccines to Trump again — even after pharma companies spent hours explaining it yesterday

Trump Asks If Flu Vaccine Can Help Stop Coronavirus -- Yes, Seriously

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