Friday, March 6, 2020

Swamp-Drained Branes

I’ve drained ALL “science” Branes out of MY GREAT TRUMP “government”
And replaced them with SYCOPHANT LOYALISTS to prevent
ANY hint of “intelligence” still hanging ‘round
Because EACH serving ME MUST be an ASS-KISSING TOAD CLOWN!!!
Thus MY ENTIRE “Entorage” paying “homage” to ME
Makes ME appear a WHOLE LOT SMARTER than I’ll EVER be!!!

But now that I’ve CLEANED HOUSE and kicked those with Branes out the door
MY LOYAL TOADS left are UNPREPARED for “pandemic” WAR!!!
Like ME they do NOT have a “clue” about this “virus” cold!!!
And they are NOT making ME LOOK GOOD when “real doctors” scold!!!
The ONLY thing they remain good at is KISSING MY ASS
And led by Dense Pence PRAYING that THIS TOO WILL SOMEHOW PASS!!!

I would NOT change a thing about how I ran MY Brane Drain
To have “people” SMARTER THAN ME around would be INSANE!!!
But I did NOT “plan” on a “virus” decimating towns
And REFUSING to be controlled by DUMB ASS-KISSING CLOWNS!!!
With SO FEW “science” NERDS and “doctors” left in MY Brane mix
MY SYCOPHANTS and I are left with LIES to this thing nix!!!

I said that I would DRAIN THE SWAMP and that is what I’ve done
But I did NOT say WHO I would be draining OUT the door
To clear the way for those “corrupt” to flood IN by the score!!!
Of Course I removed ALL with Branes to make sure MINE looked GOOD!!!
But now this “virus” WON’T RESPOND to Drained Branes like it should!!!

I NEVER EVER “admit” I’ve been “wrong” in ANY WAY!!!
So I’m SURE MY approach to Brane Swamp-Draining was OK!!!
And that this “virus” thing will TURN TAIL and head out the door
If I and MY TOADS LIE about its “death rate” a bit MORE
And I prevent remaining “doctors” speaking, and the “press”
I BAN from “learning” what Branes “think” who got ME in this MESS!!!

6 March 2920

The Trump administration ‘brain drain’ is impeding the coronavirus response

"Doomed from the Start.” Why Trump's Coronavirus Response Was Never Going to Work

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