Sunday, February 2, 2020


“Portions” of MY WALL!!! have hit a bit of a speed bump!!!
A bit of “wind” BLEW THEM RIGHT OVER!!! to land with a THUMP!!!
Given the MILLIONS of “Defense” DOLLARS!!! I have pumped in
You’d “think” “portions” would have STOOD AGAINST!!! tiny puffs of “wind”!!!
After all, I have been blowing “wind” since I began
To make MY WALL!!! the NUMBER ONE “priority” I “planned”!!!

“Admittedly” MOST of those BUCKS!!! I’ve “pocketed”, OK???
But I “thought” those sent could STOP “wind” blowing MY WALL!!! away!!!
Of Course I used CUT-RATE “concrete” and a CHEAP “grade” of “steel”
But that was just GOOD BUSINESS!!! “sense”!!! It’s the ART of the DEAL!!!
But now “wind” bodes a bit ILL for MY GREAT, TREMENDOUS WALL!!!
That’s why I HEREBY DEMAND NO “wind” upon it MUST fall!!!

Like “Climate Change” I’m CERTAIN THAT MOST “wind” is a HOAX!!! too
Sent over by the “Chinese” to MY TREMENDOUS WALL!!! SCREW!!!
It’s NOT GOOD BUSINESS!!! “sense” to  procure top “material”
Therefore HOAX!!! “wind” MUST NEVER AGAIN at MY GREAT WALL!!! hurl!!!
So because it, like “Climate Change”, is a HOAX!!! AS ALL KNOW!!!
From now on ONLY “Wind” out of MY MOUTH and ASS WILL BLOW!!!

2 February 2020

Portion of US border wall in California falls over in high winds and lands on Mexican side

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