Sunday, February 2, 2020

Lessons Spurned

If ANYBODY “thinks” I’ve “learned” a DAMN THING from MY SHAM
They’ve got another “think” coming ‘cause that’s NOT who I am!!!
Just like a leopard MY spots are on permanent display
At MY “State of MY Union” speech they WILL NOT CHANGE, OK???
The VICTORY LAP I take WILL what’s left of “freedoms” plunder,
By BOASTING about ACQUITTAL!!! and tearing Dems ASUNDER!!!

Ok, so I may NOT be FULLY ACQUITTED!!! quite yet
So What??? I’ll be as good as, and against it NONE WILL bet!!!
TurtleMan and TOADIES ALL ENSURE I WILL get off
So it WILL NOT be “premature” by MUCH to GLOAT and SCOFF
And to subject the HELL-SPAWNED DEMONcrats to MASS ABUSE

FAKE NEWS!!! “reports” MY speech WILL be about “unification”
It WON’T mention IMPEACHMENT!!! and WILL “encourage” MY Nation
To “come together” to the “common good” for “all” amass...
FAKE NEWS!!! is in for a RUDE SHOCK, I “plan” to KICK SOME ASS!!!
I’ll start by calling out that “Moron” and that BITCH from “Maine”
As TRAITORS!!! who from now on I WILL subject to MUCH PAIN!!!

I’ll start with those “two” to get ME wound up for MASS ATTACK!!!
AGAINST the DEMONcrats I WILL be holding NOTHING back!!!
I’ll ATTACK!!! them UNMERCIFULLY!!! EACH by name I’ll HIT
Which WON’T leave time for namby-pamby “come together” SH*T!!!
At MY “State of MY Union” this time I WILL make BLOOD FLOW
To bury ANY “thought” that I can “learn” “six” feet below!!!

2 February 2020

Column: What did Trump learn from his impeachment?

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