Monday, February 3, 2020

Go Kansas!

To the Super Bowl I “planned”  at first that I would go
But after Re-consideration I was a NO SHOW
AS ALL KNOW ALL attending would have SCREAMED and YELLED at ME!!!
But there was NO way to ENSURE which SCREAMS and YELLS there’d be
I am convinced in MY “mind” they would ALL have wished ME WELL!!!
But did NOT go because of the “risk” they’d SCREAM “GO TO HELL”!!!

Instead I threw a BIG SHINDIG at MY nearby “retreat”
And charged “taxpayers” “3.4” MILLION!!! to fund MY fete!!!
I spent a whole “8” minutes with Fawn Hanjobme engaged
While he lobbed softballs I in “pettiness” RANTED and RAGED!!!
I also approved a “commercial” DEIFYING ME
In which I took ALL “credit” for setting a black man free!!!

I’m told the “game” was pretty good, at least that’s what they say
But since it involved “scoring” I did NOT watch it, OK???
Instead I “entertained” ALL of MY VERY RICH WHITE “guests”
In the TOP “1%” of “1%” did I “invest”
They wined and dined EXTRAVAGANTLY on MY gravy train
Thus GUARANTEEING CHECKS!!! keep rolling in to fund MY “game”!!!

Oh!!!, and I almost forgot!!! I sent CONGRATULATIONS!!!
To KANSAS, whose “Chiefs” are now FIRST throughout ALL “football” Nations!!!

3 February 2020

Taxpayers Get $3.4 Million Tab So Trump Can Host Super Bowl Party For His Club Members

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