Thursday, February 13, 2020

Top Toad Honors

Butt-Kiss Barr is turning out to be TOP TOAD bar NONE!!!
It’s like instead of IDIOTS I had a BRILLIANT son!!!
He “knows” EXACTLY what to do to help further MY aim
To flush MORE “Justice” daily down the swirling cesspool drain!!!
He’s bent his “department” to act according to MY WILL
And for that I upon him MY TOP TOAD “honors” instill!!!

Of course, there’s NOTHING “honorable” about what he does
But that’s the POINT, OK??? I WANT “Justice” run by a SCUZZ
And when it comes to LACK of “honor” Butt-Kiss fits the bill
When he arrived ALL those there who had “honor” felt a CHILL!!!
And with his Stoned Roger so-called “Fiasco” making “News”
He’s FORCING “prosecutors” OUT so MY GUYS CANNOT LOSE!!!

So MANY OTHER “departments” I’ve already KILLED DEAD
And now thanks to MY TOP TOAD “Justice” too is bleeding RED
Before long those still left there with “honor” WILL be FORCED to leave
Leaving ONLY Butt-Kiss and his clones there to receive
MY ORDERS to dispense “justice” as ONLY I see fit
And TOP TOAD ASS-Licking Butt-Kiss ENSURES I dispense SH*T!!!

He hasn’t got an “iota” of “ethics”, just like ME!!!
And like ME also there’s NO hint he has “integrity”!!!
By UNLEASHING “Turmoil” throughout MY “Justice” Dept. station
His “moves” signal its TOTAL “political infestation”!!!
Now that I OWN his ASS COMPLETELY!!! he’ll do ALL I say
So it’s MY “honor” to “honor” him as TOP TOAD today!!!

13 February 2020

Barr Unleashes Justice Department Turmoil Over Stone Case

Bill Barr's moves signal 'a political infestation' at Justice Dept

Former US Attorney admits he was ‘dead wrong’ about Bill Barr’s integrity and ethics

The Don seizes the Justice Department

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