Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Ear Thugs

I’ve NEVER “read” a “book”, nor has ANY RICH!!! “Friend” I “know”!!!
So once again I say “library funding” has to GO!!!
“Books” are the DEVIL’S INSTRUMENTS for getting branes to “think”
MY BRANE “works” Fine WITHOUT a single “thought” to make it WEAK!!!
I do NOT need a bunch of “book thoughts” cluttering MY “mind”
I “know” MUCH MORE than ANYTHING in ANY “book” you’ll find!!!

I’ve tried “two” times before to CUT ALL FUNDS!!! to “libraries”
But each time LIBERAL LOSERS!!! restored those FUNDS!!! with ease!!!
This time around, though, NOBODY again can CUTS delay
After WINNING!!! that WITCH HUNT!!! NOTHING gets in MY way!!!
I can do ANYTHING I WANT, so the “first” thing I’ll do
Is CUT “library funding” so NO “knowledge” can get through!!!

If “reading” “books” continues unabated there WILL be
MANY who are NOT spending time “listening” to ME!!!
And if they DON’T “hear” what I say they WILL NOT toe the line
That I DEMAND they toe if they want their “lives” to go Fine!!!
I CAN’T have INDEPENDENT!!! “thought” countering what I “say”!!!
Like FAKE NEWS!!! “books” make “people’s” branes turn from MY LIES away!!!

So I HEREBY CUT “Federal Funding” to ALL “libraries”
To keep the sheep I CON WORSHIPPING ME on blended knees
WITHOUT an INDEPENDENT!!! “thought” to clutter up their “mind”
Because, as I PROVE EVERY DAY, branes WITHOUT “thoughts” “work” Fine!!!
And those NOT at MY RALLIES!!! WILL still “hear” ME EVERY DAY
WITHOUT “book learning” to ensure “thoughts” AREN’T in their ears’ way!!!

12 February 2020

In 2021 Budget Proposal, Trump Once Again Seeks to End Federal Library Funding

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