Monday, February 17, 2020


So What if “1,100” want Butt-Kiss to quit???
I SAY HE STAYS and that’s the “number” that’s the END of it!!!
It does NOT MATTER HOW MANY there are to him opposed
As long as I ALONE support him there’s NO WAY he goes!!!
MY single “number” TRUMPS ALL OTHER “numbers” night or day
That ANYONE could assemble to send Butt-Kiss away!!!

I do “work hand in glove” with him like KellySPAM has said
Except it is NOT “hand in glove”, it’s “lips on butt” instead!!!
MY “number” ALONE ONLY “counts”, as by now ALL should “know”
And I say NO MATTER HOW MANY say that he should go
Because MY “number” says he STAYS!!! NO OTHER “numbers” “count”
MY “number” ALONE TRUMPS ALL “numbers” by a VAST AMOUNT!!!

So NO MATTER who’s “counting” if they DO NOT “count” on ME
Their “numbers” DO NOT MATTER NO MATTER how high they be!!!
This Butt-Kiss matter’s therefore settled, lips on MY butt stay
I NEED them firmly planted to BLOW ENEMIES AWAY!!!
DON’T “count” on ANY “numbers” you assemble in a clump
NO MATTER HOW MANY you “count” on with “one” I yours TRUMP!!!

They say “size matters” but in your case that's a Great Big “NO!!!”
Because NO MATTER WHAT the size of the “number” you show
MY “number” is the ONLY WINNING!!! “number” size there’ll be
Now that from the IMPEACHMENT!!! WITCH HUNT!!! SHAM!!! I’m finally FREE!!!
So why try to assemble “numbers”??? There’s NO WAY you’re “winning”
With Butt-Kiss lips so firmly attached to MY underpinning!!!

17 February 2020

More Than 1,100 Former Department of Justice Employees Have Signed a Letter Demanding Bill Barr’s Resignation

Kellyanne Conway says Trump 'works hand in glove' with Barr

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