Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Four More Evermore

Why limit yourself to “thinking” about just “four” MORE years???
I WILL still be the KING FOR LIFE when “four’s” LONG in arrears!!!
I’ll remain KING LONG after your “term limit” “four” is through
And after “eight” and “twelve” and there is NOTHING you can do!!!
As long as the RepubliSCAMS keep enabling ME
I WILL remain “in office” throughout ALL ETERNITY!!!

You may be hoping eventually that I end up “DEAD”
And would then find it hard to RULE from MY urn or grave bed
That WILL enable ME to RULE FAR FAR BEYOND ALL “means”
“Reverting” to some “mean” is something that I’ll NEVER do
I’ll remain AS MEAN as EVER while CENTURIES accrue!!!

Because I’ll remain SO MEAN I’ll keep caging “kids” away
While MY WALL!!! keeps sucking down BILLIONS!!! WITHOUT much display
And the “environment” INDUSTRY!!! “exploits” past recall
So ME and MY RICH!!! “Friends” can have a NEVER ENDING BALL!!!
Our PARTIES and our GOLF!!! GAMES WILL continue unabated
Because as KING FOR LIFE FAR BEYOND “four” MORE years I’m fated!!!

DON’T EVEN “think” about “elections” after MY NEXT WIN!!!
Thereafter I WILL OUTLAW THEM to keep MY FAT ASS IN!!!
I’ll also NEGATE ALL that have “elected” Dems I HATE
So RIGHT-WING TOADIES ONLY on the “Hill” participate
TurtleMan WON’T RULE FOREVER each “Hill” crook and lech
But OTHER Turtle TOADS WILL take his place to step and fetch!!!

Why bother “thinking” what “four” MORE years of ME would look like???
“Four” years is just the START of MY endless empowered flight!!!
Down through ALL AGES HEREAFTER once I get RE-ELECTED!!!
I WILL RULE with an IRON FIST ALL those who once rejected
The notion that DICTATORSHIP could “NEVER happen here”
What I’ve ACCOMPLISHED!!! in MY FIRST “four” makes ALL to come clear!!!

18 February 2019

What Would Four More Years of Trump Look Like?

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