Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Meat Beef II

They made ME eat some kind of “chicken” that was NOT K.C.!!!
Instead of FRIED it was covered with glop excessively!!!
And surrounded by “vegetables” of which I spoke before
At EVERY STUPID “meal” so far there’s been “veggies” galore!!!
Meanwhile their streets are crawling with “cows” they REFUSE to slay!!!
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG with this dumb SH*THOLE anyway???

Yeah, OK, so they “love” ME and in their BILLIONS!!! turn out
To hear ME mis-pronounce “words” that I guess make “crickets” pout
But then they try to POISON!!! ME with “veggies” heaped on top
Of sticky, gloopy, UNFRIED!!! “chicken”!!! This has got to STOP!!!
I HEREBY DEMAND the next “cow” wandering forth and back
Be SLAUGHTERED and converted into a REALLY BIG Mac!!!

I am SO SICK of rejecting glop they heap on MY plate
And craving REAL MEAT!!! in some form to which I can relate!!!
Let them eat their DIRT “vegetables”, there is NO WAY that I
Can be expected to accept their “diet”, NOT THIS GUY!!!
It is MY RIGHT as “President” to ALWAYS GET MY WAY!!!
Who Cares where I “am”??? I DEMAND Big Macs WITHOUT DELAY!!!

If I see ONE MORE “vegetable” set down in front of ME
They can KISS GOODBYE once and for ALL their stupid “treaty”!!!
It NEVER was the “reason” that I came to this sh*thole!!!
EXCESSIVE!!! ADMIRATION!!! was MY “purpose” and MY “goal”
I CANNOT get enough of that back in the USA
But I CAN get “dozens” of Big Macs back there EVERY DAY!!!

OK, THAT’S IT!!! I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!! It’s WAY past time I LEFT!!!
Fly ME at “taxpayer” expense back to what’s “here” bereft!!!
Back to Big Macs!!! To STEAKS with ketchup!!! To MEATY DELIGHTS
That can’t be had for “love” or MONEY!!! around here!!! That BITES!!!
I CANNOT WAIT to once again bite globs of GOOD RED MEAT!!!
To WOLF IT DOWN and NO LONGER “diplomatically” eat!!!

25 February 2020

Here's what's on the menu at ITC Maurya for US President Trump

Trumped by broccoli samosas: Brussels sprouts bhajiyas to kale kebabs, dishes that didn't make it to menu for US President's visit - Firstpost

Trump Speaks to Massive Indian Crowd, Mispronounces Almost Everything

James Neesham takes indirect jibe at Donald Trump for mispronouncing Sachin Tendulkar's name - The Statesman

Trump and his entourage fail to eat anything from special vegetarian feast on India trip

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